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Hard work cloud dodging

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Family all away so on my own with an improving forecast. In the evening more patches of blue sky were emerging although still a lot of low cloud hanging around and becoming breezy. Went out for a peep at 10.30 Arcturus and Jupiter visible but little else. Decided to take a chance and set up NS8. Did a GPS align using Vega even though I couldn't see it and arcturus.

1st stop was jupiter. The worst seeing I have ever encountered with the discs barely being visible through a 15mm EP - approx x140. A lot of warm air coming in with the changing weather so I guess a lot of atmospheric disturbance. Strangely Jupiter and arcturus were visible most of the time with little else showing initially. Eventually Vega emerged fleetingly so sent the scope to M13 and waited for cloud to lift, and waited, and waited. Eventually the smudge emerged through the moonfish 30mm. Just a grey fuzz, nothing to get excited about. Then used the moonfish 2" barlow with the 30mm EP and had the best view of M13 I have ever enjoyed visually. Stars resolved to centre. Kept getting obscured by cloud but couldn't tear myself away from it.

Ursa major was now visible for around 50% of the time so wondered about trying the Fastar system for the 1st time on M51. Between slewing from M13 to M51 the whole area had covered up and in the odd breaks I couldn't find M51. Not helped by not refocussing after taking out the barlow. Enough to convince me that any image of M51 was doomed to disappointment. Finally decided to have a peek at M57 which I've never observed before. surprised at how clearly the ring was visible at x140 throught my x2 barlowed 30mmEP - very impressive. so much so that I finally decided it was worth dragging out the laptop, camera, filters and other parephenalia.

Over the next 2 hours I spent most of my time pausing the imaging waiting for gaps in the cloud. Restricted my subs to 30 secs otherwise most of them would have been cloud affected. Around 2.30 a layer of high thin cloud was messing the view up good and proper so was time to pack in. Having packed away saw that all the low cloud had gone leaving ursa major and the western sky crystal clear. Lugged all the gear out again with predictable results. The grand old duke of york would have understood.

Another hour processing the Ring and then 3 hours kip.

Highlight of the night - M13 without a doubt :D


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Highlight of the night - M13 without a doubt :D

Nice report Martin :D

I know what you mean about M13 globular cluster.

I remember seeing it last year thru the 10" Dob and a 14mm UWA - absolutely breathtaking :shock:

Like diamonds on black velvet. Time seemed to stand still while I stood there, glued to the eyepiece.


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