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bad scope?

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Hi All,

Just looking for a bit of advice to see if it's worth setting up a scope my son's friends parents were given as a freebie? They asked me because I've recently taken up astromony and i'm learning as I go with lots of help on SGL. Anyways the scope they were given is a Tasco 60mm by 900mm refractor on an EQ mount (quite surprised it came with a EQ). Their not sure what Ep's it has but I reckon it'd just be 1 or 2 that ship as standard and it has a green moon filter.

So I could set up and show them how to work the EQ mount and think they'd be happy with veiws of planets and the moon. I started with a cheap 3" reflector from jessop's which was bad but I could at least see Saturns rings and Jupiters moons (very small) which was enough for me to catch the bug. I'm thinking if this scope is capable of at least that it'd be enough for them to have a bit of fun with it and get a WOW moment or two. Any advice appreciated. :)


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I started out with an old Tasco 60mm refractor and had a lot of fun with it. It was the view of Saturn through this scope that really hooked me on the hobby.

There are quite a few well known astro objects that should look nice though the scope although the aperture will limit the max useful magnification to 100x or so and only the brightest DSO's will be clearly seen (eg: the Orion Nebula, the Sword Handle double cluster in Perseus etc).

The Moon looks great of course as it does with any scope and Jupiter should show the 2 main cloud belts and the 4 brighest moons.

I found my scope quite good at double stars as well - for example Albeiro in Cygnus and Mizar in Ursa Major.

I found the worst feature of my Tasco were the supplied eyepieces and my astro world opened up a lot when I made a better eyepiece from an old pair of binoculars.

So I would sat that it is worth setting the scope up and seeing if your friends get bitten by the bug as well.


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I agree with John. The actual scope itself isn't that bad in fact early Tasco scopes have got a good reputation especially in the States. What lets it down is the mount and the eyepieces. I would imagine the eyepieces are early huygens or ramsden type eyepieces. Replace these with some decent plossls and you have a good beginners scope that will show the moon, Jupiter and Saturn and numerous globs and open clusters.

Have fun.

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Thanks guys that's great, I'll help them get it set up and hopefully get a few more converts to the cause!! :) I'm in the process of upgrading my EP's anyway so I can let them try a few out as well when I buy them.


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started out with an old Tasco 60mm refractor and had a lot of fun with it.

Blimey - I started with a 40mm and could only dream of a 60mm ! From small acorns to mighty oaks grow and a well placed piece of expectation management and advice with novices goes a heck of a long way

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