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Homemade illuminator for polarscope/finderscope

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Has anybody made a homemade illuminator or know of how to do it? - I try to do polar alignment at dusk when I can still see the details in the polarscope, but sometimes I don't get home unitl after it's dark. At the moment I'm holding a small keyring LED torch near the polarscope to do this but it's a bit haphazard.

Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated.



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to make your own you would pretty much need the insides of the keyring (battery and LED) solder a wire to each leg of the led so that you can then mount the LED with tape in an appropriate position and then connect your 2 wires to the battery (long leg usually goes to +).

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Thanks for the replies - Lorna - thanks for that bendy light link - very useful and it's now set me thinking about the following:-

LEDs for the legs of the tripod (how many times have my big feet kicked them)

LED light for inside my bits and pieces box

LED for the polarscope - problem remains - where exactly to put the LED (no rude answers please)

Electronics/wiring are no problem to me so this is a nice little project in the making.

What I still need to know is - where exactly to place the LED for the Polarscope - could someone advise where it is in the Polarscope on bought illuminated ones?

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Hi Steve,

Thanks for that - it's exactly what I needed - It was the positioning of the LED I was unsure about. I think I will make a small power/control unit for it to strap to the tripod leg with a variable resistor so I can adjust the brightness once I'm using it. I'll let you know how I get on.



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