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Jupiter and Io, August 5/6


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The weather forecast has been a bit odd of late. On Tuesday night it was supposed to be cloudy with rain. However, there was a strange gap in the clouds to the south-east that lasted for hours. The almost full Moon rose straight into it and shone magnificently for ages. As it rotated to the edge of the gap, Jupiter appeared above my tree line and I decided to have a go at imaging it. As soon as I'd set up and hit the record button, the gap closed.

Last night we were supposed to have cloud and rain again but once again the Moon was shining with Jupiter close behind. I decided to grab my chance and the early seeing wasn't too bad at all. The clouds were still annoying but there were sufficiently long intervals to get a couple of RGB's out of them. Here's one of the sets showing the GRS and Io...


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