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EQ2 Mount Help =[[

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Hi guys

after some help of people on here I managed to get a sight of Jupiter :-D, which made me and my girlfriend happy, but as explained to me I’d have to constantly keep tracking it.

wasn't too bad at first, but once I put the 10mm lens on with the Barlow lens it proved a lot more difficult, so I’ve been reading up on using the EQ2 mount.

I thought I’d managed to align it to Polaris, but then when it came to tracking Jupiter in the SE.....I was pretty much pointing to the ground, can anyone give me some tips please

Thank you in advance

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Hmm. Are you aligning the *mount* to Polaris and then using the slow motion controls to move the scope, or are you getting a little confused and moving the mount all the time? Or even the slow motion controls all the time?

You should ignore the slow motion controls and set the mount itself to point at Polaris. Then lock the mount in place, ignore the mount adjustment controls, and only use the slow motion controls thereafter.


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I was positioning the whole mount to face Polaris, so the small bar that runs through the centre of the EQ mount was facing it, but you answered a question I was going to ask later about the slow motion controls, because they only allow me to move a couple of inches at most before they stop.

Thanks :)

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Yes, the EQ-2 has limited movement before you have to "reset" it by rewinding the slo-mo, loosening the axis, and moving it back to where you were... complicated for a beginner to get their head around. I would recommend a speedy upgrade to at least an EQ3-2 the first chance you get.


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I've been playing around with the idea trying to get one with a GOTO controlled stand but as i've only had my current one for a couple of weeks i'm a little unsure.

Would I be best sticking with my current one till I work out the EQ2, or just plan to upgrade and get one with the GOTO mount?

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Tough call... the EQ-2 and a couple of the Tal mounts are the only ones I have seen with this "rewind" system, maybe getting used to it would be pointless if you intend to upgrade but on the other hand there is alot to say for the idea of learning how to use an EQ mount.


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Thanks Astro baby :)

I did everything, like explained in your guide the last time I went out, but I found when I then went to look at it ended with the tube facing down and I was unable to position it to Jupiter, any clues to what I’ve done wrong? I'm guessing I’ve not set it up right when I built it.

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Yes, the EQ-2 has limited movement before you have to "reset" it by rewinding the slo-mo, loosening the axis, and moving it back to where you were... complicated for a beginner to get their head around. I would recommend a speedy upgrade to at least an EQ3-2 the first chance you get.


Thats only partially right I think Arthur.

My EQ2 has limited movement in DEC, but continuous movement in RA.

I've tracked the moon for an hour or more...


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