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and another noob question

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Tonight was my first night out with my new (to me anyway) celestron 114 eq, after some fiddling around I finally found something to look at. it was I believe Jupiter, now i could just make out some banding around the planet but to the right side (as i viewed it) there was a small body very close to the right side and another slightly larger body again to the right but slightly farther away, then i could see what looked like two stars again to the right of the main body of jupiter, where the two close bodies jupiters moons by any chance ? i watched this for about an hour as i was chuffed to bit's as i have never seen jupiter through a telescope before, i can see why people get hooked, i am allready and it's my first night, i was mesmorised with jupiter i really was, i just need to get the mirrors cleaned and a decent eyepiece now then i can see more detail

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Yes you spotted Jupiter and it's moons. If there was four I would say you spotted Calistro, Ganymede, Europa and Lo.

I wouldn't clean the mirrors unless they were really dirty, it doesn't effect the seeing that much.

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