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Very short report


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I managed to get out for the first time in a month tonight with the intention of having 90 or so minutes behind the eyepiece.

As things happened I didn't last that long.

As I was setting up I was treated with some nice NLC's. I should have took out the camera.:)

My first and only target of the night was the Andromeda galaxy. I got a pretty decent view through the 15mm eyepiece. Seeing was good and the galaxy showed up as a fuzzy disc. As expected I couldn't make out any arms but that was fine by me. I stuck with the same eyepiece for quite a while until my eyes had properly adjusted.

Unfortunately, things went a little pear shaped after less than 20 minutes. Since it was dewy, I'd decided to keep the eyepieces in the case until required. I should have known better as both of my knees are playing hell at the moment and low and behold, the left one cracked very painfully when I crouched down to grab the 9mm ep.:)

I knew straight away it was game over, so I ended up packing up instead of carrying on. My final view of the night was of ISS and some other satellite which appeared to be a short distance ahead. Not sure what it was.

Now I can't settle down to sleep thanks to the flippin leg.


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Ouch.. hope you're getting better, Gareth. :) The moonwash would have shortened your session anyway, if that's any consolation. Can you put the ep case on a small table?

I'm hoping to see NLC's some day, every time i take a test shot they always turn out to be cirrus clouds, lol.

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I'm definitely going to have to figure out a better way of keeping various bits of equipment more to hand. I could have dragged a barrel over (I usually set up in the farm yard), but that would have woke people up.

When I get the time, I want to set up a bit further from the usual spot as the current one is has some big limitations because of trees and buildings. I want to try and drift align for imaging purposes some time. Last night I realised building obscured the celestial equator in the eastern and western skies.:) Bit of a show stopper. I'll have to go out to a nice dark field sometime (probably with a wheelbarrow).

As for the knee, it had returned to normal comfort levels by this morning. Not great, but manageable.


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