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When Dark Skies Return....


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I consider dark skies to be mid August onwards :-P so for me its M13, Milky Way, Cygnus widefield, M31, The Bubble Neb, M42. (In that order)

I would love to attempt the likes of the Horsehead, Veil Complex or North American Neb but my un-modded DSLR would make it virtually impossible to get anything of visual value. :-(



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I beg to differ.

You can achieve some great results with an unmodded DSLR with nebulae.

Having darker skies does help in making the quality much better, but I have managed to get the Horsehead from my urban light polluted skies.

That's why I can't wait to get out to Kelling in September.

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Observing wise I've yet to start working my way through the 'Hidden Treasures' book that I bought ages ago, so that's me covered for a while.

On the imaging front, I want to finish my Iris Neb (just the Green data to get) and re-do the Bubble nebula pic I did last year. Other than that I think it'll be just trying to pick out suitable targets for my kit.


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