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New CCD Camera or Mod 450D


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Im thinking about modding my 450D with a Baader Filter, i have seen Gary Honis's step by step guide of modding my DSLR, some of the guide does look a bit tricky especially when it comes to those ribbon cables & the filter change, has anyone attempted this ? . Last thing I do not want is that I [removed word] up my camera, I don't feel comfortable doing it myself. I have summerised my options:

1) Modify the camera yourself & risk it not working again.

2) Send the camera to Astronomiser, let them modify it.

3) Save & buy a CCD dedicated Astro Camera, would you buy something like this ?


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Personally I would get the camera modded by Astronomiser. I have a Meade DSI 1 and only use it for guiding. It does take OK images but I love the DSLR's as you get a massive FoV and unless you spend over a grand you will be limited to small FoV's with the small CCD's in these camera's.

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I'd get the 450D modded ... but then again I would say that wouldn't I as I use a couple of modded DSLR's and have another 3 unmodded oen sto paly with as well ... I see the modded DSLR as a logical step...

Once your happy that everything else is working consistently and you feel the sensitivity of the modded camera has become the "limiting" factor - or you really want to get into narrow band imaging then consider a CCD and all the added complexity and expense that comes with them if you decide to go mono+ filters... theres always the OSC CCD's if your that way inclined...

You wont really have a problem moving a modded DSLR on especially is its a genuine Astronomiser modded one...


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