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80ED and 400D: What else do I need for astrophotography?

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Howdy - as the title suggests, I have a Canon 400D and a Celestron 80ED on the CG-5 mount.

I want to start off with some short exposure shots and some moon shots. So, what do I need to make this happen? An EOS T Ring would be a start, but is there anything else?

I'm wondering whether there is anyway of making the most of the magnification using the eye-pieces but am not sure this is possible using a DSLR.


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You might need a 50mm extension tube to be able to get the 400D to focus on the

C-80ED and as you said the EOS T-Ring...

An EP progection adaptor would allow you to take "magnified" images... some EP's have T threads on them and can be attached straight to the camera using a T Adaptor.

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I agree with Peter, I needed an extension tube to allow me to focus my 450d on my C80ED. The provided fittings just don't quite have enough out travel. I ended up using a MaxDSLR (instead of the plain T Ring) and 50mm extension tube.. (looks a bit like ...)


I'm sure it must be possible with other EP's, but I have done EP projection with my 450d and my Hyperion EP's. Baader have produced a suitable fitting ring that attaches to the T thread and then to the top of the EP, holding the camera at the correct position. To be honest, it's easier using a webcam...

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I don't own an ED 80 I'm afraid but I think a telescopic adaptor will fit the bill.

The one shown below is for 1.25" eyepieces but OVL (SkyWatcher) do the same thing for 2" eyepieces (£39.99) and in both cases I think the travel afforded should allow you to obtain focus........ certainly if a diagonal is included in the chain........ it works with all my scopes.

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Some way of tripping the shutter without touching the camera will also help, an IR remote or Tc-80.

You can get additional magnification for your moon shots using a x2 or x3 Barlow infront of the camera.

From experience you WILL need that 50mm extension on the ED80!!

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