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An enjoyable hours viewing from Cardiff - 21st may 23.00-00.15 BST


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Finally managed to get an hour of observation in last night after some poor recent weather and a few other distractions (notably last Saturday when I didn’t go out so as not to disturb two hedgehogs that were mating in the garden!). Some thin cloud about but conditions were pretty good and I got some pleasing views from the scope (a Skyliner 8 inch Dob) at magnifications of up to 200x (with a Meade 12mm Plossl and 2x Barlow). I started and finished with Saturn which was mighty impressive – nice to see the rings opened out a little. There was a faint object visible directly above the rings to the left of the planet – not sure if it was a star or a moon though.

Then onto some galaxy hunting and into the Virgo cluster, but only really able to see a single galaxy, tentatively identified as M49. A search for M104 was unsuccessful. Much easier were M81 and M82 – always a lovely sight and my favourite galaxies not least since they show quite well even in the light pollution of suburban Cardiff.

Next moved on to Hercules and the globulars M13 (which was clear even in the finderscope) and M92. Both were lovely and showed well at high magnification with many stars popping in and out of view with direct vision. M94 is a little smaller and harder to find but still very impressive. Lastly for the evening a look at the ring nebula (M57) – perhaps my favourite Messier of all - and a final view of Saturn before retreating indoors. All in all a very enjoyable nights viewing.

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Nice report. Stuff the hedgehogs... they have all the time in the world during cloudy nights to be 'at it' LOL. M104 is a no no for me due to its low altitude being blocked :-(. Congrats with M49. I love hearing reports about M13, M92, M57 and friends.. reminds me that summers round the corner. I havent bothered to view any of them yet as my Eastern sky is carp.

Just out of interest, wht time were you out until? Im finding it increasingly hard to galaxy hunt any time before 11pm nowanights... cometh the dark night drought :-(


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Hi Matt

I went out about about 11.00 but had a good look at saturn first so I guess I was looking at the galaxies from 11.30-00.15. One good thing about summer is that the scope doesn't take long to reach outside temperature, but you're right about the nights - soon it will have to be wee-small-hours observation to see DSOs

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Hi Amanda

I'm not that far away in Whitchurch. I have very poor views to the South from my house - The back garden is very small and the house blanks out most of the Southern sky. Looking South from the front garden there is a big orange streetlamp right in the line of view. View of the Eastern and western skies are not bad, but to the north am restricted by some tallish trees.

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