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Solar Activity May 20th


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The active area which has been on the disc for a while is now approaching the western limb; observation in white light showed faculae associated with this active area, faint but definite in 80mm x53 with solar film filter & Baader solar contrast filter.

Having made the white light obs I set up my imaging rig only for show clouds to roll in, preventing imaging until 6pm (BST).

Calcium light shows the two active areas


(1703 UT 20 May 2009)

The active area near the western limb in hydrogen alpha


(1730 UT 20 May 2009)

The active area just east of the meridian in hydrogen alpha, note the prominent filament associated with this AA


(1729 UT 20 May 2009)

Few prominences today but this group on the SW limb merited imaging


(1731 UT 20 May 2009)

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I'm really enjoying all the pics ur posting. I just had my first look through my newly made white light tonight. Cool I'm looking at our star!! I couldn't see any activity yet. I'll keep an eye on your posts for a good sunspot!


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Thanks guys.

The calcium images are made with a bog standard Coronado CaK PST. Whole disc images at prime focus. Hydrogen alpha images made with a Solarscope SV60. Whole disc images with a focal reducer. I use a 2x barlow for closeups with both scopes. Camera is an Imaging Source DMK41AU02.AS. Processing with Registax v5, colouring & cropping with Photoshop Elements.

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