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I've just come back from the weeks holiday in the Lake District with my Razor 8x42's.

What a BIG difference a dark site makes. This was a really dark site. NELM was 6+.

I have never believed it possible to observe M51 with 8x42 binoculars. Amazing skies to be sure. There was just too much to take in. Without my Starmap Pro I would have been lost.

Just wish I'd taken the big guns.


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Glen, sounds like a brilliant place to holiday. I've been nagging my partner to take us there for a little break in the Autumn, think this may be the deciding factor :) if it only gives him a weeks break from my moaning about LP and cloudcover. Did you manage to observe any other DSOs that you can't usually make out because of LP?

Had a great night out with the binos not long ago, didn't see anything new really, it was just nice to 'pick up and go' after struggling down the garden with my telescope mount lately.


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I have some good memories of the Lake District. We often have familly camping holidays there. When I was 10, I got out the tent late one night and it was the best sky I had ever seen. I first recognized the big dipper, and found the north star. I stayed out watching for about an hour just using my eyes with no knowledge of the sky. It is the only time I've seen the Milky Way Arm clearly. I will never forget it.

Next time I will have some good binoculars at the ready for that clear, steady, moonless sky.

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Hi Amanda,

I did try for M101,just couldn't be sure I observed it or not. I was 90% sure I did. Can't tick the box though on that one.

We stayed at Bowness for the week. You must be firm and give your partner the hard word :D Try Fallbarrow Park.


Nice to hear you have visited this beautiful place. You've just got to go back. Those skies :)


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End of this month I am going camping for 3 nights at Kielder.

After reading your report I am even more excited :)

I will be imaging, but will be sure to take my binos.

Fingers crossed on clear skies!

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I well remember being lost in the middle of Grizedale Forest

one night, very spooky place in the dark, talk about the Blair Witch Project.

Still did manage a good view of Uranus and several asteroids

with my 20mm pocket binoculars.

Finally got back to Hawkshead at around 2 in the morning.

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