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No luck on the supernova


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Tried for the supernova tonight in NGC4088. After finding NGC 4088 phew...I looked hard but just an oval fuzzy galaxy patch as normal, no brighter patch or star. Well I suppose I was pushing it after the other report of a 12 inch only just being able to detect it in good seeing. I will just have to wait for a brighter nova.

Never mind, could also easily make out NGC 4085 next to it...:)

Finally tonight my 160th galaxy NGC 6207 next to M13 the fab ball of stars. This one is relatively easy to see and is a small oval galaxy.:D

Cloud now here so inside...

Good night ..


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Hard luck Mark - it has probably faded a bit since we saw it at SGL4 and even then it was right on the edge of visibility in a well collimated 12" dob on a really dark night. We suspected it with a 22mm Nagler but it jumped out (albeit as a tiny spark of light) when the 13mm Ethos was used.

Sounds like the evening was still very nice for you with those DSO's though :)


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