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Does this spider and secondary look right?

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I recently purchased a used 130P OTA (from a SkyProdigy) and trying to collimate the damn thing. Decided to take the spider cell off to check everything. Now I’ve never really examined a spider and secondary like this as my existing Newts as collimate perfectly, so two questions: Firsty do the spider vanes look right? They seem lop sided or possibly back to front or something. I can’t see how the centre ‘hub’ could ever be parallel with the tube when the vanes are like this. Secondly is it normal for the secondary to be mounted to one side in this way (last picture)? Any thoughts appreciated. 




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Posted (edited)

In fact I’ve remounted secondary and you can see it’s not parallel to the tube ….



Edited by RobertI
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Posted (edited)

Looks like the vane on the left is upside down, the flatter edge is to the bottom instead of the top as in the right. If its not glued in you could unscrew it and remount it the right way up and that would fix it, at least just by looking at the pictures.

It can still be collimated like this, since you have adjustment available on all axis of the secondary with the adjustment screws. More of a chore though, so i would fix the vane first.

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Posted (edited)

Thanks for the reply, unfortunately they can’t be turned around as the screws are to one side, so the vane would end up being offset (see photo). I have the strangest feeling that a previous owner actually ‘refigured’ two of the vanes in order to mount them back to front. What on earth is going on! 



Edited by RobertI
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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, RobertI said:

Thanks for the reply, unfortunately they can’t be turned around as the screws are to one side, so the vane would end up being offset (see photo). I have the strangest feeling that a previous owner actually ‘refigured’ two of the vanes in order to mount them back to front. What on earth is going on! 



Yeah, that wouldn't work like this, definitely would create more issues than solve. I doubt you can bend the part that the screws go through 180 degrees without it breaking either.

I also wonder how it ended like this, just seems wrong. Manufacturing mistake perhaps?

One option is to replace the spider if you cant figure out how to fix it, TS sells spiders of all shapes and sizes, for example here: https://www.teleskop-express.de/en/telescope-accessories-5/telescope-diy-improvement-299/telescope-making-mechanical-parts-64?next_page=4

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22 minutes ago, ONIKKINEN said:

Yeah, that wouldn't work like this, definitely would create more issues than solve. I doubt you can bend the part that the screws go through 180 degrees without it breaking either.

I also wonder how it ended like this, just seems wrong. Manufacturing mistake perhaps?

One option is to replace the spider if you cant figure out how to fix it, TS sells spiders of all shapes and sizes, for example here: https://www.teleskop-express.de/en/telescope-accessories-5/telescope-diy-improvement-299/telescope-making-mechanical-parts-64?next_page=4

Thanks @ONIKKINEN, that’s a useful link. Annoyingly they have budget spiders for 4.5” and 6” Newts only, neither of which will quite fit. They have the more expensive spiders in the right size but will end up costing twice as much as the scope itself so not really worthwhile. I think bending the flange to the correct side might be the only option. It was only a spur of the moment purchase anyway, I thought it would be nice for my old SkyProdigy mount to be reunited with a nice red SkyProdigy OTA 😕

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52 minutes ago, Second Time Around said:

I'd be very surprised if  Beacon Hill Telescopes can't help you.  Go to http://beaconhilltelescopes.org.uk/pricelist.html for an old price list or for contact details go to http://beaconhilltelescopes.org.uk/contact.html

They do custom work as well.

Thank you, their prices seem very reasonable actually. Probably worth dropping them a line, although I do now wonder what else might be wrong with the scope! 😖 It was only £70 used, so not really worth throwing much more money at it. I was hoping it might be a nice G&G scope which is a tad better than the Heritage with its R&P focusser, closed tube and ability to take 2” eyepieces. 

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I believe that Barry Watts ( Beacon Hill Telescopes ) has effectively retired but might be able to help if you phone. Note that the price list on his web site is dated 2010, 14 years ago.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just to complete this thread, I ended up bending two of the vane flanges by 180 degrees using a vice, pliers and a wooden mallet! All four vanes now line up nicely. The scope is now collimated and ready for a night’s observing. 

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