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M27 Dumbbell

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This is my  attempt of  M27 and  in  bottle 5 skies. Was surprised to get some of the faint stuff. Followed some procedure from Ags thread last week. Although not sure how to reduce size of stars in PS

Camera ZWO 385MC camera with a  Optolong  L-eNhance filter L-

Telescope : ES102mm APO AT f7 on a AVX mount

Settings used in sharpcap. 

Gain 135  Integration time around  12 hours using 120s subs.  

Darks and flats used, Finished in PS.

Of course pointers for improvement welcome included the tiff file if you would like ago






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FWIW :) Had a quick play with your image. I think maybe didn't quite nail focus (?)
Had to crop a lot because of stacking artifacts. Think I could have stretched more out of the shell but would take more time and faffing.

Nice Dumbbell though


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Thanks for having a go.  looks good. I tried to use gaussian blur to get the faint stuff. Probably didn't quite get that right. Is this a bit better?



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Wow Nick that is fantastic. Liking how you managed to get even more clearer detail, and what you've done with the stars. Must learn how to use Pixinsight



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