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NLCs and Faint Aurora 28th/29th June 2024 in North Cornwall

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Another successful Noctilucent cloud hunting session last night 28th/29th June 2024 here at Green Lane, Delabole, North Cornwall.
A quite bright display though very low down and far away from me and not as good as further up the country or in Europe had. 
Canon 600D and 18-55mm kit lens at 45mm f5 5 400iso 5secs.
A bonus was whilst testing out my new star tracker on areas of the sky much later the faint pink/purple diffuse aurora was showing up my dslr around 1.13am towards the North East. 
Canon 600D and Samyang 14mm f2.8 lens 800iso 30 secs.

Though as I was taking my images I coukd hear 2 youths walking through the fields, they decided to investigate the strsnge red light moving about (my headtorch) then when they tentatively approached I said hello then they scarpered scared, the perils of a Widefield astrophotographer haha. 

Clear skies 





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5 hours ago, FenlandPaul said:

Nicely done, Lee! Great to get that aurora as well - bonus. Obviously we’ve all been spoiled now though! 🤣

Thank you Paul you're too kind. I think we have all been spoiled now most definitely, just hope it doesn't dry up just yet as is like to get the NLCs a bit higher but now I'm just being picky 😂.the Aurora was a big bonus and wasn't even looking for it, then checked the Glendale app and show a moderate alert at the time, whikst I was imaging the Andromeda area with the SA 2i, which performed amazingly. 

I hope you're well. 

Clear skies 



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