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Quick session 08/08/24

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With the new pier set up I wanted to set everything up. Polar align etc. 

Once it got dark enough to see polaris I adjusted the EQ6 to to get Polaris in the correct position in the polar scope. 

I decided to do a 1 star align as I was planning on visual only.

I slewed to Spica and it was about right. A minor adjustment with the handset keypad and I was ready to observe. 

My first target was Porrima. I was pleased to see a clear elongation at x33. Two golden evenly matched pair.

I have a fairly good southern aspect  (at last!!!) So had a look at a few doubles. 

STF1731, STF1741 & 1869 in Virgo all split at x33.

The best object was STF1999AB & AD in Scorpius. At x33 the AB pair appeared yellow and blue with a small difference magnitude. 

I did try to see Antares and M4 but they were just scaping the top of the wall. I will try in a few days. 

I also had a quick check of T CrB but nothing to report.



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