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Eyepiece FOV - focal length options

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The FOV in a 32mm 50 degree eyepiece is practically identical to that in a 24mm 68 degree.

Would  I be right that, for DSOs,  the 32mm would be the better choice, because the item in view would be brighter, or is it not that simple?

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Don't think that's quite right, you'll have more magnification in the 24mm so what you're looking at will be slightly larger in the FOV. The difference I find between 32 and 24 is marginal but this will depend on the scope being used, so I've split my eyepieces by 10mm increments.

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If you're using a nebula filter, the larger exit pupil in the 32mm may improve brightness.  Of course, you can push that to a 40mm eyepiece for an even larger exit pupil and brighter image.

If you're not using a nebula filter, the higher power usually yields better contrast by darkening the sky background a bit more.  Technically, both the DSO and the sky background should dim at the same rate, but I find that visually, the sky seems to darken at a faster rate.  It's probably something to do with the brain's visual processing capabilities.

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