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EQ-AL55i Pro, First Imaging attempt - M13

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So this is my first Imaging attempt with the EQ-AL55i Pro, I'm a complete beginner so don't be too harsh. lol. 

I used a Explorer 130P (Not the DS), A Canon EOS 500D with 2x Barlow. I took 120 x 30sec Subs. Processed with Gimp.

I'm not setup for guiding so this is purely the mount tracking. Its a proper learning curve. Hoping to be out again tonight hopefully on a Galaxy.

Any feedback helpfull


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I'm sure you will get lots of advice and suggestions from folk on SGL. I would just say well done. My first attempts at imaging where disastrous, when I finally managed to capture something recognisable I was so chuffed. It was a bit like the first time I looked at Jupiter through a telescope.... amazing! Keep going and try not to lose the wonder of it amongst all the 'how to do it'. 

Having said that (lol) ...probably better off without the Barlow.

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2 minutes ago, Bluemoonjim said:

I'm sure you will get lots of advice and suggestions from folk on SGL. I would just say well done. My first attempts at imaging where disastrous, when I finally managed to capture something recognisable I was so chuffed. It was a bit like the first time I looked at Jupiter through a telescope.... amazing! Keep going and try not to lose the wonder of it amongst all the 'how to do it'. 

Having said that (lol) ...probably better off without the Barlow.

I agree, I cant get prime focus though with the OTA I'm using without it. I do plan an upgrade to the 150-PDS so that will resolve that issue. 

I took a gamble with the EQ-AL55i Pro. There isn't much information out there or reviews. I had an initial issue with the backlash on the DEC axis but FLO helped with how to resolve that. It's quite a process to take the plastic clam shell apart and one of the motors to get to the adjustment. 

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16 minutes ago, Ardsley Astro said:

I did 10 Dark Frames Same exposure and ISO,

I think the mount performed pretty well but It's my first mount so no frame of reference. 

Indeed, good star shape, even if without guiding. 

Use an opportunity of bad weather to make 60 dark frames of each exposure time and ISO you think to use. Also, 60 bias frames. 30 flat frames after each session should be enough. 


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I spent Saturday trying to bag a galaxy, Tried M81 at first but struggled to even see it. Went for M106 instead in the end. I think I figured out that the tracking was actively controlled by the device running it so to try and improve the tracking I ran the SynScan Pro app from the Laptop I had connected to the Camera. Mistake number one was not setting the Location Longitude and Latitude. I only discovered this the following day seeing them both set to 0. Mistake number two was I think I just pushed the exposure time too long. I took 45 subs at 2 minutes each. DeepSkyStacker could only process 9 of the them. The final image is way over processed and I'm not sure what the haze is in the middle. Wil try again next time there is a clear night



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Posted (edited)
On 01/06/2024 at 21:13, Ardsley Astro said:

did 10 Dark Frames


500d, so best to lose any type of in-camera dark and bias frames. Instead, simply subtract the offset from the light and flat frames; much cleaner.

Good images. Well done.

Edited by alacant
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Hi Ardsley - You've got to be well pleased with these early attempts!

I started with open clusters because they were 'easy'.

You've jumped in nearer to the deep end!

Also, I used to write a list of the things I felt I'd gotten wrong or needed to fix to before my next shoot.

(Actually, what do I mean...used to)?


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Posted (edited)

So I've been playing around with processing, Using GraXpert, Siril and GIMP. I restacked M13 with the Dark frames and some Bios Frames. I think its come out pretty good. Would welcome feedback

And The M106 one I took



Edited by Ardsley Astro
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as a noob i could be wrong, but i think you can get a even more out of your data. i'd highly recommend deep sky astro's youtube channel, has some great siril tutorials and explains generalised hyperpolic stretch and other stuff like that. if you don't already, you can integrate something called starnet++ into siril and it allows you to separate the stars from the galaxy so you can tweak each one to taste and then recombine them back into a single image.

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Ardsley Astro said:


Lovely images although you've probably lost valuable data. Difficult to describe but be careful of where the data starts and finishes. I tried to pull it back, but unfortunately, when it's gone, it's... Lost, and unfortunately there's not much left in the jpg.
Cheers and HTH



Edited by alacant
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On 08/06/2024 at 10:45, alacant said:

Lovely images although you've probably lost valuable data. Difficult to describe but be careful of where the data starts and finishes. I tried to pull it back, but unfortunately, when it's gone, it's... Lost, and unfortunately there's not much left in the jpg.
Cheers and HTH



Here is he original Stacked tiff before stretching


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We can clearly conclude that the mount is a great performer! You'll likely need a coma corrector except for cases when you're hunting down individual small galaxies.

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