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m81-m82 Kelling Heath 2009

Ford Prefect

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Took this while at Kelling Heath a couple of weeks ago, I had managed to get 4 hours of data but had to scrap approx 3 hours worth of subs due to flex (note to self, always remember to check kit is locked down tight prior to imagining :D )

I have struggled a bit with the processing as every time I tried to being the detail out in M81, I would blow out the core of M82 :)

Saying all of that this is my best image of these two to date so I can’t complain too much :)

OTA: SW 190 Mak Newt

Guiding: William Optics 90 DSI pro II PHD

QHY8 MaximDL, approx 6x 600

Stacked using: DeepSkyStacker

Processed using PSCS2

Cheers Jon


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Glad you salvaged something Jon, I've done the same thing as that, and lost a nights worth of subs :)

With these two I find it better to process them individually, they are just too different.

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I bought the ADM Dual Mount system, because I wasn't happy with the one I had. One M6 bolt in each saddle didn't fill me with confidence. But, even having the best system counts for nowt if we don't tighten the blumming scews :).

Anyway, you managed a good outcome Jon. The Image looks excellent.


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