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Tool for finding observing targets and visualising them


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I dont actually do any observing, but I found a tool for my imaging, which then linked to this tool which should help observers, especially new comers I guess.

The tool will show lists of targets in the constellations of your choice. And will also show you what to expect in the eyepieces of your choice! Although it uses photos, so not being an observer I am not sure how accurate it is to what you will actually see. Maybe some more experienced observers can comment!

Its in Italian but I have also included the babelfish translated page, although to use the tool I think you may need to use the original url.

VSA - Visual Sky Assist 1.1 - Check deepsky objects and print your own list

Translation result for http://www.ar-dec.net/vsa/

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Nice find Arran

Not in Italian when I just looked so even better :)

I'll deffo be refering to that site a few times

(though not sure the photos are acurate to what is seen at the eyepeice)

But cheers for the link :D

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Good morning everyone!

My name is Davide.

First of all thankyou very much to talk about VSA.

It is a real pleasure that you discuss about my work that wants to be an help for observing.

What greenkat says is quite true: what pictures show is not the same thing than what we can see trought the eyepieces of our scopes.

The concept and the purpose of VSA is to give observer an idea of what may we expect to see.

I do amateur astronomy since 12 years but I have a 12" dobson since last year. It made realize me that with right conditions, 30 centimeters of mirror can give us precious views of faint deepsky objects.

Everytime that I was observing new and unknown DSOs I wanted to understand many things about the object: its magnitude and dimension, its surface brightness and...its shape.

There are two ways to get the images: the drawings and the DSS b/w images, but with inverted view.

Printing the list with inverted images and consulting it in the night makes the nearest way to the eyepiece vision.

Obviously, the skill of the observer helps to know how much we have to "trust" the image. And how much we have to subtract to the image to get the eyepiece view.

VSA Project is completely free, there is no google ads or something like that. So every advice to improve it is welcome.

I translated from italian to english to get the best for everyone.

Have a nice day and thanks for feedback!

Davide Pistritto


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