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Binoviewer with Meade LX90 10 inch

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Hi. A little advice please. Can anyone confirm any focusing issues with a pair of binoviewers with my LX90 10 inch f10. Am looking to use with 20 mm eyepieces plus either a 2x barlow or 6.3 focal reducer to give me a nice range of magnification. Thinking I may need a nosepiece or similar as the scope may not focus up ?? Any replies gratefully received before my credit card takes a hit. :icon_rolleyes: John

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Hello "Telescope40,"

I use a pair of cheapish "Astro Engineering" Binoviewers with my Celestron C8 SCT and they work great.

Don't know about the Meade LX90 10" but I found this review which might be of interest to you.


I'm sure others will come along to give more informed advice.

Best wishes,


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Hi John,

over the last few years i have used several binoviewers with celestron C8 and C9.25 scopes and never needed to use a barlow to achieve focus.

A sct has a very large range of focus which should accomodate the light path of binos without using the barlow .

of course the barlow can be used to multiply the scope's focal length to give much higher powers.

I note in the above review link that one owner had problems achieving focus, but that was a dobsonian.

Scopes that usually cannot accomodate the extra light path of a bino without using a barlow or similar transfer lens are Newtonians and most Refractors.

The usual problem with these is the focusser cannot go in far enough to take up the bino light path.With these scopes, using the barlow generally throws the focal point further out enough to achieve focus, but sometimes even then there may be a problem.

I have not used a reducer so i cannot comment on that particular point.

Whilst i cannot 100% guarantee no issues with your scope, i would think it unlikely to have a problem.



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