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Easier Lunt pressure tuning suggestions?

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Good grief! 😱 Let's be careful out there! 😨

Donations to gravity are considered a serious fail/fall.

That aside: You obviously felt the need for considerably more leverage.

How does the tuning feel with just the bare coaster attached? Still too hard to turn?


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A bit of force needed to turn with just the coaster fitted - better than just turning the PT knob that's for sure, but still required a reasonable force to turn.  So much easier with the rod fitted, due to the mechanical advantage it provides - adjust length of lever to suit I guess!

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Perhaps I should elaborate on my last explanation - with just the coaster fitted, the 'knob' does provide a very convenient protrusion to push against with your thumb whilst you still grip the PT in the normal way.  This enables you to more easily 'push' the circumference of the PT around, rather than only 'twisting' it as normal, which is what does your wrists in!

Does that make sense?

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