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May 2, 2024: My first northern lights (I think)

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I got alarms on both SpaceWeather and Aurora apps, and as the sky was clear, I went to my favourite spot with relatively dark skies and clear northern horizon (Aduarderzijl). Nothing was visible with the naked eye, but My camera seems to pick up a purplish-red glow low over only the northern horizon. It was absent elsewhere. I took a series of shots with my Canon EOS-M6 mk-II, with Canon 22 mm F/2 lens (similar to 35mm in full frame), and stitched them in MS-ICE. A tweak of curves in Gimp gives this result


Not brilliant, but because the purplish red colour only appears to the north, I do believe these are my first northern lights


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Nicely captured. 

I just checked my remote allsky camera and it also captured a pink glow below Cassiopiea. The timelapse from tonight might show more when it gets generated.



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Definitely Michael - nice capture and always exciting to capture from locations that "shouldn't" capture the aurora!  Last night's was captured in the Austrian Alps as well.  

My friend Jeroen had a great display form the Netherlands back in February last year:


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