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Ha Sun 24.04.24


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Only recently got back into solar imaging after an 8-9 year gap. Have a complete new set up now. First image not great and was getting horrid newtons rings. Have afew things to try to get rid of them.  But have to start somewhere to get back into it. Amazed how improved the capture and stacking software has become since. 


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Welcome back! That's a nice lot of spots on the sun. I'm on vacation at the mo from imaging, though it is tempting to get a new camera. Especially as I might be getting a decent new lappy, and one of my wife's objections to me getting back into imaging is that I'd need a decent lappy.

What's your new setup like? What scope / filter are you using, and what camera are you using? I'm completely out of date when it comes to my camera knowledge and am curious to know what folks are now using!

re: Newton's rings, have you tried a tilt adapter yet? I've never used one, but hopefully someone can advise, depending on what setup you're using.

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Hi Luke, yes been a bit of a journey since I last did solar imaging with a PST and mark 1 first generation QHY5 mono cam. Simply can't get a driver online for it now. Spent 2-3 hours looking. 

So I'd recently sold my C9.25 so thought I'd invest the money in a Lunt LS50THa solar scope. But of a. Upgrade from the PST. 

Used my guiding camera asi120mm mini. Don't think it's too well suited to the Lunt. In terms of interference  rings. But sun fits the chip perfect. So will look to invest in another camera. I'll need to in eat in a tilt adapter also. Tried afew blue peter methods to get some angle on the chip for now.😬

Sharpcap etc has fair come along. Typical cloud sky all clear everywhere apart from where you don't want it to be. !! 




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