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Thankyou OVL

dark knight

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Well 8.30am this morning the postman delivered my new replacement motor/control board for my synscan eq5. Fantastic, just need some clear skies now. Many thanks go to the team at OVL for sourcing and supplying the part with minimum fuss, the service was brilliant, can't thank them enough. I was very fortunate as I went directly through them and ignored the bit about going through a dealer. They were tremendous and very understanding about the plight of my system without the replacement.

Not sure if it made much difference but in correspondence with them I mentioned my access to this forum a few times, maybe it appeared as a rather big stick and they thought "lets do our best, we don't need any bad service reports appearing on a forum", I don't know, but it did no harm. So what have I learn't, well always mention SGL as it could just be the big stick needed when dealing with suppliers et al. :icon_rolleyes::);)


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