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N.I.N.A. help needed

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NINA help needed please

Learned people,
The night before last I was acquiring images with NINA,OK . My screen layout is to have a narrow camera panel on the left, an image panel in the middle and a narrow sequencer panel on the right.
Whist an exposure was in progress I clicked the OPTIONS tab in the left pane. My screen became entirely green with no sub panels. I could not get rid of this screen, but the image capture was unaffected. Last night I started up NINA with the target focused and centred, again the sequence was successfully captured captured despite the green screen..
This afternoon I started up to try again and no green screen and the three panels I wanted were available. The image panel top was low on the screen and the drag up action would only raise t a small way.

What do I need to do?

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I've been using NINA for some time now and I have never had a green screen. Sounds like it might be a display issue rather than NINA if everything else seems to be working OK. In the Options tab for imaging there is a reset  button - you could try this. There is also the option to save and restore the settings.

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Thank you Clarkey, perhaps I should have said blue rather than green but that is by the way.  The question  that remains is:- how do you get the image panel moved up the physical screen?


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