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Fat Crescent 15th March

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For me the lunar imaging season usually starts sometime in January.  This year, due to continuing bad weather, it is a mid March start, but not a particularly good one.

A brief window of opportunity last night enabled me to grab a few shots.  No time to set up one of my usual lunar imaging scopes, so I just used what was already set up in the observatory - an Askar 130 PHQ

The scope has done ok, but doesn't really gather enough light to allow short integration times, so maybe not as sharp as with my larger scopes.

Anyway for what its worth, here they are :-


15% of 1500 frames - prime focus

15% of 500 frames - with Baader FFC at 3x

Proplanet 642 IR filter.



2024-03-15 Moon pp642 15%.jpg

21_10_40 15%.jpg

21_16_04 15%.jpg

21_21_32 15%.jpg

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Got some great details there with the 130 Roy.    Conditions have been bad here too,  but this weekend has been a gift.   For 2024 I have had 4 imaging sessions so far,  and THREE of them were the last 3 evenings  with another possible window tonight.  I may as well maximize ,   winter is set to return in the next week or so with more wet and cold and gray.


Cleasr skies



Edited by WestCoastCannuck
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Thank you Mike, I suppose it is some small consolation to know that the current extended spell of rubbish weather is universal !  Hope you've made the most of those clear evenings and that you get some results you can share with us.




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