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Birds/Angel's on images but not in 10x live view

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3 hours ago, michael8554 said:

You should take single shots of increasing duration until you perceive elongation in the sub.

Then use the duration that didn't elongate.

Leave the 600D on ISO 800 and only reduce the exposure duration if you have light pollution problems.


yeah one minute seems ok but i must have a major issue somewhere. my polar alignments were repeatedly bang on in synscan. ill post some images as soon as i get a chance. here is an example sub from the 500second test. Does the arc shape they make suggest any one thing more than another? 


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5 hours ago, michael8554 said:

You should take single shots of increasing duration until you perceive elongation in the sub.

Then use the duration that didn't elongate.

Leave the 600D on ISO 800 and only reduce the exposure duration if you have light pollution problems.


I'm bortle 6. Garden itself is surprisingly dark but not far from many street lamps.

Keep histogram under halfway?


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I don't think there's a general rule on histogram, as long as it's not clipped in the darks (left) or the highlights (right). Iso is only a sensor amplifier, it won't gather photons any quicker or slower than physics allows.

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The CR2 stars are elongated horizontally approx 90 pixels, and about 4 pixels vertically,  in 500 secs.

Judging by your Orion image, I'd guess that Dec is horizontal ?

So 90 pixels of PA drift, and 4 pixels of PE error.

"my polar alignments were repeatedly bang on in synscan."

How many arcmins of PA error was "bang on" ?



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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, michael8554 said:

The CR2 stars are elongated horizontally approx 90 pixels, and about 4 pixels vertically,  in 500 secs.

Judging by your Orion image, I'd guess that Dec is horizontal ?

So 90 pixels of PA drift, and 4 pixels of PE error.

"my polar alignments were repeatedly bang on in synscan."

How many arcmins of PA error was "bang on" ?



tonight i will take another photo of my mel maz and some 1 3 and 5 mins exposures.

what i meant by bang on is that doing the polar align in synscan app, i was easily able to center the chosen star as asked with alt and then az. and if i did another star it would find it almost perfectly and i could again center it as asked via the app and the alt az bolts.

will  jkust test 1 and 3 mins as advised on here. 

Edited by TiffsAndAstro
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I've briefed over this and your other thread and something occured to me.

If you're using an EQ mount (which I hope you are as alt az mounts aren't designed for imaging), all you have to do is polar align the mount, you don't then do a multi star alignment as that is for alt azimuth mounts. If the mount is polar aligned that's it, gotos may need a slight nudge in Ra or Dec the quality of which depends on the mount.

What you do have to make sure of with EQ mounts is the latitude and longitude of your location is set correctly in the hand controller or equivalent so it knows where on earth you are (synscan pro app gets this data from your location if you're using a phone and location is on and the app permissions are enabled, I believe you can also enter this manually), and your time also needs to be right usually in UTC format but it's not an absolute requirement unless you're planning on doing auto meridian flips (some apps/software have issues of time being in daylight savings hence the recommendation of UTC time format).

Edited by Elp
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Also, don't concern yourself with 5 minute exposures, unless the mount is very good at tracking (IE expensive) you'll struggle to get good 5 minute subs, even with autoguiding it can be difficult. It depends on the focal length but as I assume you're imaging longer than 50mm you'll really struggle to get no star trailing.

You make up the imaging time by imaging for longer total time as I have said to you in another post.

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The length of your exposures seems to be limited by PA.

Do your best with the polarscope.

But however good you get that, just use the DARV PA method to improve it.

That's all you need to do with your setup, then get imaging !

You had 4 pixels of RA in 5 minutes, so 75 sec exposures may be tops, if you get Dec to a similar figure.



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"I tried stopping down to f5.6“

I used a 600d with a pentax 135mm f3.5. I stop mine down to F8 and get some good star shapes. I use an equatorial mount, recently the Star Adventurer Mini. 


The image is poor because of light polution and an issuee with the camera. 


Edited by Andy56
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