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Nyx 150 tracker - too budget to work?

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Whilst I save for whichever scope I eventually decide on,  I'm looking to buy a tracker to enable me to use my dslr and 85mm lens for a bit of ap.

The nyx150 seems to be easily the cheapest but is it any good and will it handle the weight of a full frame camera and lens?

Are there any alternatives?

One alternative would be to nudge the camera to retain the target in the fov. Or doesn't that work?

So many questions! Sorry. 

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You could make your own you know, people have been doing so for decades.

The cheapest commercial one I used was an Omegon LX, not sure how well it'll handle 85mm but I managed 2 minutes at 14mm no problem with very rough polar alignment, but 14mm is very forgiving.

Nudging doesn't work, because the earth is rotating you need to match the arc the stars seem to make as the earth rotates. This is what EQ mounts do once polar aligned (and barn doors and star trackers etc). Imaging stars only you could get away with it with short exposures, but nebulosity or galaxies you need the equatorial tracking.


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