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NGC 7023 Iris area - would anyone like to share some short FL data?


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I have around 6 hours of Luminance data shot with a RedCat+294MM of the area around the Iris.  I don't have great skies but I'd like to try and combine it with some RGB if anyone has something around the same focal length.  You're welcome to this Luminance in return.  I may not use the data but am interested to try.  Thanks.

Focal distance - 246.53 mm
Pixel size - 4.60 um
Field of view - 4d 16' 34.5" x 2d 53' 11.3"
Image center - RA: 21 05 59.102  Dec: +68 10 24.28 


Edited by geeklee
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Hi Lee, I won't be offended if you decline this offer as it isn't up to much...

139 x 1 min captured with the RASA8/QHY268c, in the mid summer of 2022. The peripheral stars are cr*p and imaging in a barely dark sky has clearly resulted in a lot of issues. If you still want it let me know and I'll PM you a link to the un-processed fits file or whatever you want.


Resolution ............... 1.947 arcsec/px

Rotation ................. -0.360 deg (flipped)

Reference system ......... ICRS

Observation start time ... 2022-06-15 00:59:59 UTC

Focal distance ........... 391.88 mm

Pixel size ............... 3.70 um

Field of view ............ 3d 17' 40.2" x 2d 4' 20.8"

Image center ............. RA: 21 07 26.244 Dec: +68 09 35.98 ex: +0.070080 px ey: -0.025240 px

Image bounds:

top-left .............. RA: 20 49 01.935 Dec: +69 08 33.01 ex: -1.640886 px ey: -1.510391 px

top-right ............. RA: 21 26 00.133 Dec: +69 07 25.02 ex: +0.375231 px ey: -1.611691 px

bottom-left ........... RA: 20 50 29.509 Dec: +67 04 49.33 ex: -2.742360 px ey: +1.469371 px

bottom-right .......... RA: 21 24 15.848 Dec: +67 03 37.32 ex: +0.130141 px ey: +0.866581 px


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10 hours ago, tomato said:

If you still want it let me know and I'll PM you a link to the un-processed fits file or whatever you want.

That would be awesome, thanks Steve.  I'll drop you a PM.  If anything I'm more worried about the image scale and quality of my Luminance!  Yours looks like its still has bags of signal even in those challenging conditions (RASA hoover!)

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