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A Few Doubles from 10 & 18th

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I had a look at some doubles in Casseiopeia and Cepheus. The Moon was quite bright and made a nice pair with Jupiter.

Tye seeing seemed fairly good. 

Cass    STF121AB    y/y    A wide pair with a small difference in magnitude. The primary is yellow. The secondary is yellow but has a warmer tint. A third component CTT13AC lies some distance way and is a blue-grey colour. It is also a close double TDS1882CD which is an unconfirmed pair. I didn't try for this pair 😀

Cass    STF123AB    w/w    A fairly wide pair, both appear white and of even magnitude.

Cass    STF123CD    w/nc    A fairly close pair with a moderate difference in magnitude. Took x150 to split.

Cass    STF128    y/b    A neat pair of yellow and blue. A fairly wide pair but the secondary is faint. Part of a triangular asterism at low powers.

Cass    STF130    y/b    A fairly wide pair of uneven magnitude. The primary is yellow, the secondary is pale blue. Part of a triangular asterism. Share the field with 38 Cas at low powers.

Cass    STF148    w/w    A very tight pair not split cleanly. The secondary appears slightly to the north. WDS has 0.1”, 6th orbit Catalogue has 0.37” sep. Go for this one if the seeing is good and you are feeling brave 😀

NGC 663 is a nice open cluster with many visual doubles. I had a look,at 3 bright struve ones.

Cass    STF151    w/w    A fairly close pair in NGC663. A small difference in magnitude. A rich field

Cass    STF152    w/nc    A fairly wide pair of uneven magnitude in NGC 663. A rich field
Cass    STF153    w/w    A wite pair of stars with  moderate difference in magnitude. In NGC 663

Cephus    STF127    w/b    A wide pair of uneven magnitude. The primary is white, the secondary is pale blue. A moderately rich field.



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Just add a bit about my process. I have a list of target doubles and their last recorded separations. Thee WDS is good for this but not perfect. I sometimes have to check the 6th Orbit Catalogue to get more accurate information. 

I observe the pair and note the direction of the  companion. Only after the session do I check the PA and if it is in the right quadrant I can feel that I saw it and not just "averted imagination" 

There are many times where I may have seen something but the location doesn't match so I don't count that as a successful observation.



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