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SGPro Filter Offsets - Blue channel

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See the screenshot from the application that was written to calculate the filter offsets for SGPro - Ive ran 3 runs of R,G,B,Ha,O3,S2 and 6 of Lum.  I get offsets that look ok (to my untrained eye!) but the Blue channel just sats Nan and Ive no idea what that means!

The app is SGPro Auto Focus Log Viewer: https://sourceforge.net/projects/sgp-autofocus-logviewer/





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I wasn't aware of this tool. It looks very useful. NaN is computer speak fot 'Not a Number' and is generally created when the result of a floating point calculation produces a result which is not a valid floating point number.

Your focus data looks reasonable so this is likely a programming error in the application. It's worth contacting the author on the SourceForge support page.


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Have you tried it with focusing runs from other days to compare results. The blue graph not being as high on the right shouldn't be a problem as there are enough points there to work with. If you wish you could increase the number of steps from 9 to 11 to get more points and/or increase the step size a little to give a slightly steeper curve.


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Yeah thats what Im thinking - I have tried other runs and blue always seems to give that error for some reason, ive logged in on the authors source forge page so will see what they say.  I was going to increase the steps but not tonight, need to get some data for my Rosette image!

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