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Rosette 2

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20 hours ago, Stu Wilson said:

ps heres the .tiff if anyone wants a go at it.

Autosave002.tif 79.51 MBย ยทย 2 downloads

Thanks, Stu. I was very impressed by this as the result of 33 minutes in non-exotic F ratios so I enjoyed playing with it. Advances in camera technology and processing tools do, quite honestly, beggar belief. What I couldn't find was much star colour. Do you use an LP filter?



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I thought the same olly.

I was unimpressed by the star colours, however I'd say the filter does away with alot.

I think ill have a good few hours on this with and without the filter and see the difference and combine the two and see what occurs.

Ok very very noisy as would be expected with 33 mins but personally I was gob smacked with the ED80 and altair 294mc pro combination.

Like I say. Used to fast newts and I know the settings so this is a different ball game.



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