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Binoviewers for Dob ?

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Ive been scanning FLO and saw 'Bioviewers'

These look potentially interesting. What advantages and disadvantages are there with using them? can they be used successfully with Dobs ?  

I suppose the obvious disadvantage is that they look expensive to buy initially & then you need two eyepieces ! So if you're on a budget then probably not the best thing to invest in. 

But are they worth the outlay ? 

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I use binoviewers with a dobsonian. I use the baader 1.7x gpc for newtonians and I mostly use Vixen SLV eyepiece pairs as they are light. I have one pair of Delos eyepieces that are nice but are much heavier and more expensive.

If they are worth the cost is a personal call but for me yes. The best views I've had of say the moon have been binoviewing with my dobsonian, and I mean best by a significant margin. But that is a 14" scope so has a lot more aperture than my other scopes.

The main advantage I notice is just that it is physically easier to observe as you are looking normally with both eyes open so you can put more attention into observing. There's also the benefit of your eyes/brain picking up more details if the image is bright enough.

The main downside for me is the workload that comes with using binoviewers. It's more things to have to think about, more gear, more complications such as balancing and achieving focus.

So I go back and forth over time, sometimes I binoview a lot as its nicer to observe that way, and sometimes I go cyclops for a while as its easier to set up and manage that.

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Entry level binoviewers with 21mm to 22mm of clear aperture aren't all that expensive.  The main difference between them and the more expensive models are clear aperture, eyepiece holder quality, attachment flexibility, and dedicated accessories.  I use the linked Arcturus BVs with the nosepiece from a Meade 140 2x Barlow to reach focus in my Dob.  Operating at f/18, I've found cheap, lightweight eyepieces such as SVBONY 68° Ultra Wide Angle 20mm eyepieces work very well in BVs.

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If you stick with entry level BVs and lightweight eyepiece pairs, the combo is similar in weight to a large 2" eyepiece like a 31mm Nagler.  If your Dob is not balanced for such eyepieces, then yes, weight could be an issue.

Cost for such a setup is under $300 in my experience.  If you go for a full-on premium BV setup, you can easily spend well over $1000, but weight and bulk will both be high.

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