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The forgotten Sh2-280 and Sh2-282 just south of the Rosette


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These rather bright Ha objects from the Sharpless catalogue are rather low on my south horizon, but at their highest this time of the year so I grabbed the opportunity. They are surprisingly rarely imaged, but may sometimes be included in wide-field images of their close neighbour the Rosette Nebula. Note the Oiii emitting shock wave created by the central bright ionizing star HD 46573 in Sh2-280.

Caught 8 January while nearly freezing my fingers off at -22°C with my dual-RASA8 rig with ASI2600MC and IDAS NBZ dual-band filter (Ha+Oiii), on a Mesu 200. 74 x 5 min. Processed next to my fire place in PI and PS with The XTerminator tools.

Cheers, Göran

20240107-8 Sh2-280 RASA1+2 PS16smallSign.jpg

Screenshot 2024-01-09 at 10.49.13.png

Edited by gorann
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1 minute ago, fwm891 said:

-22° C and he's complaining! At least Gorann you have clear skies. Great imaging as usual.

Thanks Francis! Yes, I know, I should not complain. It is easier to fight the cold than the clouds.

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