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A Christmas Fiend


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I started this while waiting for my target to rise.  It may seem ironic that there could be slim pickings for Ha targets at this time of year, but I have shot most of them and many others are not suitable for the FOV I am using.  I fret over traget selection, because completing an image  for me requires significant dedication due to the sky.  At .79 "/pix, seeing is critical, so even the darkest, cloudless nights can be a wash.  Seeing was good this night, the stack had a linear FWHM of about 2.0, with at least half the subs coming in below 2.0.  After the Moon set, luminance subs were coming in at 2.2".  There is only about 3.75 hours, so not complete by any means; but I posted at Bin 1 anyway as the level of noise is not too bad.  The bright star artifact reminds me that I simply must find a way to get my hands on a 2600 sensor.

TOA 130 with .99x flattener and ASI 1600.  Ha: 40 300 sec.


Edited by Rodd
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11 hours ago, Mr Spock said:

Very nice image 👍

But in your title, did you mean fiend or friend? They have opposite meanings! :biggrin:

This a particularilly fiendish fellow, no?   Perhaps a bit on the cartoonish side (think Pink Floyd The Wall movie).

Edited by Rodd
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