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Are the outer stars distorted due to needing a field flattener?


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My son and I imaged the bubble nebula last week and once processed I noticed the outer edge stars "streaked". Considering the ones in the center are sharp, I assume it wasn't a tracking issue. Are the images coming out like this due to needing a flattener? Or could it have been caused by something else? Thanks!


Edited by Trippelforge
Image is being weird
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2 minutes ago, Trippelforge said:

Thank you very much! I do not own a flattener, it's good to know about the distance so I can tweak one to get it correct.

Yours is the first of the two scenarios. This is actually good news because the other source of elongation, besides tracking, is tilt - and that's a pain to sort out. Yours is the nicer kind of problem to have!


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