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Today sees the start of something interesting...


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Hmm. Got an "issue" here - the 10D is not as compatible with the 300D as I at first thought... despite it being a much better all-round bit of kit. The main point is that it is not able to accept shutter commands from the digital control as do the 300D's. At least, it cannot fit into the same matrix as the others. Dammit - I may need to get yet *another* camera... and they are beginning to get hard to hide around the place!


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Doesn't it just use the N3 connector rather than the mini Jack or is there more to it than that ?

I had a quick look at Covingtons info... http://www.covingtoninnovations.com/dslr/CanonRelease40D.html although he's talking about the 40D is the 10D the same... needing both "switches" to be closed to make an exposure?

I'm Sure Andy will be able to sort you something out...

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Yup, the same but the point is I have a 4:1 box that I want to use - I could do without it getting complicated to tell the truth - even though it would ultimately be fairly easy. A pity since the 10D is a *proper* camera, after using it the 300D's feel ridiculously plastic and cheap! And I just bought a lens for it too :)


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wouldnt it be a simple "adaptor" though... or inthe box and just parallel it up with one of the existing outputs... giving the option of the 10D or another 300D? hack a cheap N3 release.... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Remote-Cord-Control-for-Canon-1D-5D-10D-20D-30D-40D-50D_W0QQitemZ220427148751QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Photography_DigitalCamAccess_RL?hash=item33527b5dcf&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1683%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50

I did the same sort of thing to make a remote for my KM5D got a cheap switched remote cut the plug off and fitted a 2.5mm stero jack socket so that it became "Canon XXXD" compatible...

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today was the day, Package from India! Sighs of relief as the EOS>T2 adapters are a *real* nice fit - snug and with no sloppiness apparent. So, armed with the adapters and the New Skywatcher 2">T2 extensions, it was out to put the beastie together in anger. Various pics then but basically we got three 300D's with a BW Vesta for guiding and an Astronomiser special goodie box to tie the 300D's together so I can fire them all simulateously from the digital control handset you can see hanging down. Mount control is now by SN Pro 6, guiding will be PHD I reckon. Image capture is simply via the cameras' own 1Gb CF cards, RAW, no dark capture. All three have the mirror lock hack.

On to the pics...






Looking good, but again - Why oh why do these things get finalised 24 hours away from the longest day of the year???

Arthur :)

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Hmm - we shall see :)

Anyway, the shout has gone up "surely you can squeeze another scope in there to free up the fourth 102 for imaging?"

Well, yes, actually. I had a cunning plan - which actually worked. Here we have it then, a little 50mm refractor with the Vesta fitted, sitting tucked away where it will easily miss the mount... quite cute I thought!





Note the addition of the 10D in the now spare 102 as well, wiring for firing included :headbang:


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Dunno, 4.5 maybe :)

Anyway, that's hopefully about it for this thread - which has seen the system grow from a box and an idea to the finished article. Future plans really revolve around a better mount maybe (though the original idea did require it to fit on an HEQ5) but to be honest - for the price I doubt if anything better can be done... consider this - in total the cost came in under £2500, (yes, that's charging the MM-3D parts at full retail price), less than the price of an Atik 4000. I can live with that.

Thanks for your support and encouragement - stage two starts now, using the damned thing!


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Yup - sure is. Mount I allowed £600 for, cameras £480, £400 scopes, £700 MM-3D parts, left £320 for the "sundries" (£80 for the 4x T2>2", $24 for the 4x EOS>T2, £30 for the digital remote, £30 for the Astronomiser box and leads, and some odds)


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Done the planets (well, lunar) already with the webcams - now it's DSOs, but the deep deep ones. With the ability to image four times as long for a given exposure I can afford to pick targets usually put on the back boiler as out of reach due to lack of long enough cloud breaks!

As for alignment, they are pretty much aligned already - check out the Moon shot - that was with four CCD's about 4.5mm square! Besides, Maxim will recover any slight mis-alignments :)


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Ummm... err... hmm. I could tell you, but apparently I would have to kill myself and then possibly commit seppuko also. Rules you know!


PS - Maybe someone will come along and point you to the url for the MM system... I've already used up my naughty boy coupon for today apparently :)

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