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How to use celestron focus motor without celestron mount

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Hi, I have been having alot of issues with connecting my celestron focus motor. 

I downloaded cpwi and its connects ok and calibrates, when I try and connect to it through NINA it won't work at all. I have a skywatcher heq5 mount so I'm connecting the focus motor directly to the computer. The ascom diagnosis says its unable to open port 5 (the motor port) but I'm able to connect to it via cpwi. If I choose cpwi in NINA as the focus motor location it isn't able to open it or find the drivers.

If anyone has a celestron focus motor and a SW mount please help me with as much detail as possible 




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I have the Celestron focus motor installed on 3 scopes, A RASA8, a C8 & a really old C14. I have an Ioptron mount.   All of these work with NINA on Windows 10 no problem. I assume that it works using the Celestron Utility. ie not just calibrates but you can move the focuser in & out.   You must install Celestron's own ASCOM foccuser driver from ; https://www.celestron.com/products/focus-motor#support-downloads

It then shows up within NINA as Celestron USB focuser. You don't use cpwi to connect to NINA.

  Always best to install when the foccuser is not connected.  You will know which USB port the foccuser is on from the Celestron Utility.  You can then make sure from within NINA that it detects the driver and the port is set directly.  I have connected from a number of PCs with no problem. Also connects through Sharpcap when I am doing Planetary.  Best to make sure that no other device has already grabbed the port, so shut down the Celestron Utility before firing up NINA.

Edited by maxchess
missed a bit
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