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Slim Moon, Mercury and M45


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I've been trying to find Mercury, elusive little ball that it is, for ages. Last night was a superb night for it, with the thin crescent moon providing a lovely marker to it, in fact almost pointing the way. Having found the moon, I tried to spot Mercury without aids, but no chance, still too late, so grabbing the 10x50 Lidl's, and pointing them at the moon, placing the moon at the top of the FOV, Mercury sprang out of the evening sky at the halfway point. A wonderful and amazing sight. I dashed indoors, and my two boys, not being asleep yet, were both dragged into the eldest room, opening the window wide, and pointed where to look with the 10x50's. They both thought it was really cool. A little later, I got to see M45 just above the moon with the bins too. The cloud moved in soon after, typical. I managed to get a few shots, and these have been posted up here

Whilst I didn't get to achieve what I wanted to last night thanks to clouds, I got to see Mercury for the first time, so I've now seen all the planets inwards of Saturn and I'm really pleased with the sight I did see.

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Glad to hear you got to view Mercury and the Moon it was a great sight. I had just about given up on the chance due to cloud cover but constant checking paid dividends and I managed a superb view of the slim crescent Moon and Mercury in the same 2.7 degree field of my 20x80 binoculars. I wa s lucky that my car was parked in the right place for me to steady the bins on the roof so got a stable view without a tripod. The versitility of Binoculars really comes into its own when there are only brief breaks in the cloud. If I had to get out a scope, tripod, eyepieces etc the moment would have been lost or the scope not cooled down etc. Often the clearest skies near me are when there is a gap in the rain clouds (think the rain captures some of the pollution in the atmosphere) so a grab & go set up is ideal.



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I did try again last night. Just my luck. I checked my Stellarium and then went out during a brief clear spell to check out a new pair of eyepieces.

Just like in Stellarium,there is a huge tree in the way:(

Well,the eyepieces checked out OK though:)


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