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A quick Heart Nebula with new filters.


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Good evening

I have recently purchased a new set of HLRGB filters to replace the Baader set that I have been using for the last few years.  After some deliberation I plumped for a set of Antlia LRGB-V Pro and an Antlia 3nm Ha filter.  Given the cost of them I was somewhat anxious about whether they would deliver significant improvements but following this first test I am pleasantly surprised.  

This image below is 2 hours of luminance, 1.5 hours of each RGB.  I also captured 3.5 hours of Ha and tried to incorporate it into the red channel but I didn't notice much of a difference to the details other than the colour.  However, I'm very much still learning to use Pixinsight and think it was a processing issue.  The image below is therefore pretty much LRGB but I have included the Ha image with a very basic stretch just to give an example.  The stars are purely LRGB and they appear a lot tighter than when using the Baader filters, especially in the blue channel.  I was experiencing some blue bloat even though I am using an APO. 

All in all I am happy with the difference they given in this first test..   

I next plan to test them further on the Flaming Star Nebula, as the large stars there have always caused me issues both with colour and bloating.  After that and look forward to using them further on some of the features in Orion in the near future.  

For reference other equipment used is a William Optics GT81IV scope and ASI 1600MM.

Thanks for looking.  



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