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IC1848 The Soul Nebula


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On the Saturday 7th October 2023, here in North Cornwall. I took this image of IC1848 The Soul Nebula.

Taken with Skywatcher 72ed
Az Gti in Eq mode
Asiair Pro
Zwo asi294mc Pro
Astrononmik L3 Filter
Guided with zwo 30mm guidescope and zwo 120 mc-s

5 hours worth of data (my best ever captured in one session) 180 secs each, 120 gain -10 degrees
Processed in DSS, Siril, Photoshop and Topaz.
Maybe the processing could be better on this one. I'm blaming having covid. 🤒

And I processed it for printing rather than devices. 



Edited by AstroNebulee
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Decent effort Lee. I dl it and had a quick shufty in Gimp, I know you won't mind. 

Anyway, in levels seems like there was a lot of slack in darkness in the levels which I applied, then applied py-astro smart sharpen and wavelets filter.

However you did the hard work of grabbing the data, I reckon a couple of hours with a HA filter would really pull the 3D feel out of that, nice work.


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8 minutes ago, bomberbaz said:

Decent effort Lee. I dl it and had a quick shufty in Gimp, I know you won't mind. 

Anyway, in levels seems like there was a lot of slack in darkness in the levels which I applied, then applied py-astro smart sharpen and wavelets filter.

However you did the hard work of grabbing the data, I reckon a couple of hours with a HA filter would really pull the 3D feel out of that, nice work.


Hi Steve 

Of course I don't mind. You've done a great job there. 😊 Yes there was a lot of play in the dark levels. Like I say I processed it to be printed from a printing company and use the profiles to check how they print it which would be slightly darker. 

It is a shame I don't have a ha filter but to be fair I can't be bothered with anymore filters, I just like the simplicity of shooting a target and skies have been so poor that a few nights imaging could be a years worth haha. 


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1 minute ago, AstroNebulee said:

Hi Steve 

Of course I don't mind. You've done a great job there. 😊 Yes there was a lot of play in the dark levels. Like I say I processed it to be printed from a printing company and use the profiles to check how they print it which would be slightly darker. 

It is a shame I don't have a ha filter but to be fair I can't be bothered with anymore filters, I just like the simplicity of shooting a target and skies have been so poor that a few nights imaging could be a years worth haha. 


Can't be bothered with filters, eeek 😨😱, I love using filters as they are fun to experiment and really can add depth an image.  

However I do get what you mean about point and go being so much fun from a simplicity point of view.

Personally I am putting together two images at the minute using two new filters with the aim of having far higher overall integration time and more texture with a little extra colour.

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1 minute ago, bomberbaz said:

Can't be bothered with filters, eeek 😨😱, I love using filters as they are fun to experiment and really can add depth an image.  

However I do get what you mean about point and go being so much fun from a simplicity point of view.

Personally I am putting together two images at the minute using two new filters with the aim of having far higher overall integration time and more texture with a little extra colour.

The only filter I use is an Astronomik L3 filter. Your images sound great Steve I will look forward to seeing them. 



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10 hours ago, WolfieGlos said:

Great image Lee, looks remarkably like mine also with 5 hours of exposure! But it’s part of a larger mosaic with the Heart if I ever finish it. Get well soon! 

Thank you. That's very kind of you. I am looking forward to seeing your mosaic. Thank you, still struggling and off work with the covid. 


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