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Stellamira ed80 f10

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Hi all .. I received my new scope a week ago and I'm really pleased with it.

I'm have one little problem with it that I'm sure would be something simple to put right. The red ring between the focuser and the tube is loose and it will very freely move around. I don't know how this ring would be attached to the tube, does it screw in or do any of the three screws have anything to do with it. I haven't tried turning the screws as I don't know what they're for. 

Thanks Russ.


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I've been trying to find a diagram or data sheet but have failed miserably. The focuser will have some sort of threaded adapter which screws into the red ring, so first question, does the focuser rotate freely or is it fixed? 

 You have a couple of options, you could ask flo for their advice as they initially supply the telescopes or you could look at removing the focuser and see how it tightens up. All the best. 

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Hi thanks. The focuser doesn't turn In the red ring when tightened, the red ring turns against the tube . As a test I turned the ring anticlockwise and it got looser, I then turned it clockwise two full turns until it wouldn't turn any more. It now feels right against the tube. So I'm guessing that the ring is threaded which screws onto the tube. I too have looked to find out what the screws are for but couldn't find any information.

Hopefully it's all good now.

Thanks for the help.

Kind regards Russ 😄

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Looking at it, it appears to be just a screw on fitting to the telescope tube to allow the focuser to be mounted. If the screws you are referring to are three flat slightly recessed screws then they are for centering the actual focuser drawtube.

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