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What upgrade for my astro CCD camera


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I own a starlight xpress SXVF M25C. Had it some years but want to upgrade to a modern CMOS camera. looking at the ZWO options  but I’m not sure what to go for. I want to use it for deep sky and am only interested in a colour camera, mono is a bit beyond me at the moment. I have a budget of £600 and looking at the second hand market. Any recommendations?

Edited by bendiddley
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  • bendiddley changed the title to What upgrade for my astro CCD camera

183 or 533. Depends on your imaging setup, the 183 pixels are some of the smallest on the market so take a while to saturate. The 533 is the indirect replacement and doesn't amp glow (the amp glow of the 183 calibrates out no issue). Both within the used budget. Be cautious of the 294 due to a residual coloured pattern which remains on the stack, some people don't experience it but do a search and it's the main issue with that sensor (to do with bias signal not calibrating flats and then flats not working right).

A smaller 16:9 wide-screen aspect ratio 485/585 (585 has no amp glow feature) also works well. Cooled is better for convenience but I also use a variety of uncooled for DSO, the main issue being spending 15-20 mins extra at the end of the session taking darks and dark flats.

Edited by Elp
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Depends which P-DS scope  you use but a pixel size of 3.75 should be ok with either option or you could bin a smaller one. You didn't state cooled or not although cooled is preferred for deep sky.

The ZWO 533MC pro should be a suitable candidate, retail new at 859 with flo so a 2nd hand one should be available under 600.

The other option would be the 183MC pro but with the 200p-ds it would need binning.

The 294MC pro  is another that 2nd hand might come in at your budget but at 1060 new that's a bit of an ask.

EDIT. @Elp beat me to it alkthough I didn't know about the 294 colour pattern issue so I personally would scratch that off my list.

Edited by bomberbaz
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1 hour ago, bendiddley said:

Thanks Guys, will look into those options. Just to add I also own a Skywatcher evostar 72ED which I hope to use the camera with. And yes @bomberbaz looking for cooled.

Just so you know, I have a 183MC pro and I use it to good effect with the 72ED.

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