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HCG 92, Stephan's Quintet


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This is more usually imaged in conjunction with the Deer Lick group as they naturally tend to fall together in most fields of view, but I wanted to image it on its own as part of my HCG project, so...

Putting the SX Trius 694 on the ODK 12 (For a totally bonkers 0.46"/px native) and imaging on two nights, 13th and 14th Sept 2023 collecting 6 hours Luminance in Bin 1 (Yeah, right) and 2 hours each of RGB in a slightly less daft Bin 2, all 600 sec subs at -25 deg.

Stacking in AstroArt 8, then the Luminance given Blur X and Noise X in Pixinsight and DDP in AstroArt again (Prefered the result to either ArcSinH or Masked Stretch). RGB Drizzle Stacked (Just for the fun of it) in AstroArt before DDP and LRGB synthesis.


There are a few very dodgy subs in here which I will need to replace if I want to take this further, but it might "do" for my project.

C&C welcome as usual.

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I brought the RGB into PI then gave it SPCC followed by ABE and a mild dose of BlurX and NoiseX, Most of the heavy hammer being given to the Luminance.

After bringing the RGB back into AstroArt I gave a DDP (Which I find often gives a better result) before LRGB synthesis. A slight boost in saturation and mild Unsharp Mask followed before saving as a PNG


I think this is as far as I can take this without a more (Better) data. I may have overcooked this as it is.

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Having just done exactly what you described in the first line with the Deer Lick Group....I have to say, that's some great detail in the Quintet!

Even the smaller spiral NGC 7320C just off of the tidal stream has some detail, I didn't get the spiral arms at my measly 570mm focal length....

I didn't try mine with a drizzle but I don't think I would have got much more out of it.

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