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Problem with AS!3 and full frames.

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I now use Autostakkert + Registax to process my lunar and planetary images, and my main interest is with the planets.  I noticed yesterday that the Autostakkert process is cropping the full frames for some reason.  Below I have shown a frame  from the  .ser video (1000 frames, 1920x2080, needs horizontal flip) TOP,  the .tif output from AS!3 BOTTOM,  the final processed AS!3/Registax output THIRD - (note the blank area and clipping), and the output using Registax for all stages of processing SECOND.  The missing areas show up in red in the AS!3 image if I pan it in the app. What is happening here?





Edited by Cosmic Geoff
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1 hour ago, Cosmic Geoff said:

What is happening here?

I might be wrong, but I believe that AS!3 has surface stabilization turned on by default? In any case - if your target is somewhat drifting over the course of video - parts that are not captured during whole video will be clipped as they will have less frames to stack.

Not sure if this behavior can be altered, but one solution is to make sure your tracking is good enough to keep region of interest on the sensor the whole time.

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I don't think that drift of the image during exposure was the problem.  I have whole sets of these Moon images all clipped on the same side.  The video was 1000 frames long in this case with an exposure of about 1.5ms, so the whole thing would have taken about 2 secs to shoot.  I ran through one of the vids on .ser player and it didn't drift. The CPC800 tracks well.

Also, the same video processed with Registax alone gives a full image.

I did wonder if the AS!3 is chopping off parts of the image that are too bright or too dark?

Edited by Cosmic Geoff
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