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Glass cleaning fluids.


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Now, I have half a dozen cleaning fluids including from Zeiss. I’ve have got free from work, Sunglass Hut cleaner. I was also given a pair of Zenith binoculars, these were in a real dirty condition, all over! Every glass surface including the prisms!

I’ve taken the binos apart and started to clean them. The fluid of choice was isopropyl, this did not remove the dirt, so I thought I’d give this Sunglass hut ago, magic! Works wonders.

what fluids have you tried and found to work really well?


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As you have found, there are two basic types of dirt - organic and inorganic.

Pure IPA will only do half. A mixture of IPA, distilled water and a drop or two of pure soap will do them all (usually). This is often what is in the commercial lens cleaning solutions.

I have to clean my 18" mirror once a year. I start with water and a little soap (the soap is essential even if just as a wetting agent). Then if needed a 50/50 IPA/water mix, then spot clean with acetone where all else has failed. 

Coatings on plastic, such as spectacles can indeed be damaged by repeated cleaning in pure IPA, or even worse acetone.


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