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Help with SHO Filter Choice

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I'm currently planning to go into Mono and I have my eyes on a ZWO 2600MM.

I'm now choosing my new set of filters and I can't decide which ones to get. They will need to be 56mm as I have the filter wheel already but currently between:

  • Antlia 3mn / 4.5 mn / 7mn
  • Baader 6.5mn
  • Optolong 6.5mn
  • ZWO 7mn

I know Antlia is probably the best out of these but will the 7mn Antlia be good? Or do I need the 3mn?

I'm trying not to expend a ridiculous amount of money but at the same time I want something I can be very happy with my images and not want to change filters anytime soon.

Current Equipment:

  • WO Zenistar 73
  • WO Field Flattener
  • ZWO Mini Guide Cam
  • WO Mini scope
  • ZWO 7 x 36mm filter wheel
  • Bortle 6 skies



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 The 36mm filters work fine with the 2600 APSC sensor and will utilise your ZWO Filter wheel as you suggest.

Currently I use Chroma, Astronomik and Antlia in my IMX455, 571 and CCD sensor cameras, specifically Astronomik and Antlia for SHO filters.

Chroma SHO filters are expensive whereas Astronomik 6nm and Antlia 3nm sets, both are reasonably priced, fine filters that produce excellent results. 

The Astronomik’ come with plastic edges which is great, whereas the Antlia filters are painted and you have to be very careful when cleaning not to wipe the edges.

I have experienced filter edge light leakage with my Antlia filters that necessitated the fitting of filter masks in my QHY and ZWO filter wheels, once fitted they worked fine. Both sets have enabled me to continue imaging right up to near full moon skies, with a minimum 30 degree separation.

I would recommend either Antlia 3nm or Astronomik 6nm, though I prefer the Antlia’s.



Edited by Xsubmariner
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Hi Leti,

I use Chroma and Astrodon but have used Antlia before and found them to be quite good for the price. I've also heard good things about the new Astronomik MaxFR range, but have no experience with them.

Typically, the narrower the bandpass the better in light polluted skies. For Bortle 6, I'd go for the Antlia 3nm / 4.5nm or the Astronomik 6nm. You'll want to get matching LRGB filters of the same width to avoid problems.

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